My kiddos LOVE to be involved and get the chance to help out on Sunday Mornings, and I love to train them to have a servants heart!
Sometimes I reward them for their help with candy, but then they are cleaning for the incentive's and not from the kindness of their heart if I do it too regularly.
So I decided to make this container, and put a Popsicle stick for each child into the container. Then every time that I need a helper, I just pull a stick out and ask that student to do the job. This way, I am not playing favorites with the children on accident because I call on the ones that raise there hand, and not on the ones that are too shy to do so. If I call on a child that really does not want to help, I can just simply put there name aside and call on someone else. Maybe something like this would work for your service too!
- a small container (I found mine for a dollar at the dollar tree)
- Popsicle sticks (I also found a bag of a hundred colored ones there as well!)
- Marker
- Paper
- Tape
- Any designing tools that you may want to use for your container!
I just made a label that would fit the container, and attached the paper with some glue first so it would stay on the container, then I wrapped the container with tape to secure the label. Then I just added a Popsicle stick for each of my kiddos to the box. I put the left overs in a save place for when I have new kids come so I can add them as well!
Hope this works for you, or gives you an idea of how to make it work!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment!
Thanks (:
Sometimes I reward them for their help with candy, but then they are cleaning for the incentive's and not from the kindness of their heart if I do it too regularly.
So I decided to make this container, and put a Popsicle stick for each child into the container. Then every time that I need a helper, I just pull a stick out and ask that student to do the job. This way, I am not playing favorites with the children on accident because I call on the ones that raise there hand, and not on the ones that are too shy to do so. If I call on a child that really does not want to help, I can just simply put there name aside and call on someone else. Maybe something like this would work for your service too!
- a small container (I found mine for a dollar at the dollar tree)
- Popsicle sticks (I also found a bag of a hundred colored ones there as well!)
- Marker
- Paper
- Tape
- Any designing tools that you may want to use for your container!
I just made a label that would fit the container, and attached the paper with some glue first so it would stay on the container, then I wrapped the container with tape to secure the label. Then I just added a Popsicle stick for each of my kiddos to the box. I put the left overs in a save place for when I have new kids come so I can add them as well!
(I also wrote on the top of the container so its clearly labeled)
Hope this works for you, or gives you an idea of how to make it work!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment!
Thanks (: