Thursday, June 21, 2012


A Book Worth Reading: Your Daughter Needs a Hero

Your Daughter Needs a Hero

Your Daughter Needs a Hero 

By: Maria C. Furlough

I was recently blog searching and came across a post for this book.  In that post featured on, Maria talked about how she was insecure as a teen and how her parents could have helped with the issue. (post found at

The reason this book is worth reading is because ALL girls struggle with this issue in some way at some point and MOST parents do not know how they can help with the issue.   It is not that parents do not want to help or try to help, its simply that they often do not know what the right and wrong things to do and say are with this issue.

Thanks Maria for writing a book that tackles a major issue with Children, Preteens, and Teens today!

You can purchase this book at Amazon:

Also, Check out Maria's Ministry Site:


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